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Calming The Storm 11x14 OE - Litho Print

  • Product Description

    One of my favorite stories in the New Testament is when the Savior with His apostles were on the Sea of Galilee and a great storm began to swell. Jesus slept in the boat while the apostles began to fear for their lives. It says in the scriptures that He arose and rebuked the wind and said unto the sea, "Peace, be still."åÎÌÇÌ_å_Ì___åÎÌÇåÎå_Ì___åÎÌÇÌ_åÀÌ____åÎÌÇÌ_å_Ì___Ì___Ì___åÎÌÇÌ_åÀÌ___åÎÌÇåÎå And the wind ceased and there was a great calm. What an amazing moment that must have been to be with Savior as he calmed the storm. I tried to capture this moment in the faces of each of the apostles as they gaze out at the elements surrounding them. The Savior stands in the boat with complete confidence and authority. You can see how the storm gradually becomes complete stillness in the painting as it goes from left to right and the rays of sunlight stream through the open sky. I consider in my own life the storms that occasionally arise and remember the power of the Lord in my own life. If I have faith and trust in him He will be there to calm the storm.

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