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Child of Mine 11x14 OE - Litho Print

  • Product Description

    There is a gap of time in the Savior;s life as he grew from boy to manhood where very little is mentioned. I imagined the boy Jesus in his mother;s arms as she comforts him gently. She may have just wiped away his tears as he managed to skin his knee as all boys do. It is the evening hour, and the sun is low in the sky allowing a rich reverent light to permeate the scene. She must have had such an incredible love and devotion to her little boy. This precious child, the son of the living God, had been entrusted to her care. Did Mary fully understand the extent of the suffering her son would willingly experience in order to save us all? As she holds him close, she feels in her heart that for a brief moment little Jesus is safe and no one else can have him. Thus the title---Child of Mine.

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