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First Vision 16x20 LE Signed & Numbered - Giclee Canvas

  • Product Description

    In the spring of 1820, Joseph Smith was merely 14 years of age living in upstate New York. At that time, there was a great interest in religion in the area where Joseph lived. Many different religious denominations claimed to preach the true word of God. Joseph felt inspired to pray to know which church was true. One spring morning Joseph felt inspired to pray to know which church was true. Finding himself alone, he kneeled down and began to offer his prayer to God. He said in his own words, I saw a pillar of light exactly over my head, above the brightness of the sun, which descended gradually until it fell upon me. I saw two personages, whose brightness and glory defy all description, standing above me in the air. One of them spake unto me, calling me by name and said, pointing to the other . This is My Beloved Son, Hear Him! Joseph listened and was instructed not to join any of the churches. This is a miraculous event and causes one to wonder, What would it be like to be in the presence of God . In one account Joseph Smith said that the very limbs of the trees looked as if they would be consumed by fire, and yet they would not. As an artist, I tried to portray something that would resemble God .s glory round about him. What a challenging painting for me to do. As far as the truthfulness of the vision . I say he either saw what he said he did or he didn .t. When I consider the chain of events that transpired after this and the great good that has filled the earth as a result of a young boy .s prayer . I feel in my heart that it is true. Absolutely true.

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