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Runaway Slave, 11X14 lithograph

  • Product Description


    This painting is a tribute to Rev. C L. Bryant, a man who holds the "torch of liberty" and unlocks the chains that bind millions of Black Americans today.

    In the summer of 1963, as Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. stood on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial, he delivered one of the most powerful speeches in our nation's history. Known for its famous line, "I have a dream," Dr. King concluded his speech with these words:

    "And when this happens, when we allow freedom to ring, when we let it ring from every village and every hamlet, from every state and every city, we will be able to speed up that day when all of God's children, black men and white men, Jews and Gentiles, Protestants and Catholics, will be able to join hands and sing in the words of the old Negro spiritual, 'Free at last, free at last! Thank God Almighty, we're free at last!'

    So, is Black America free at last? Is it possible that a man can be enslaved in other ways besides chains and shackles? Do shouts for affirmative action and government intervention really help the black community?

    My position is that the Democratic Party has brought the demise of Black America.  Currently, 95% of all blacks vote Democrat, and yet what do they have to show for it?  25% of blacks suffer from poverty conditions. 16% of blacks are unemployed and 30% of all abortions are black babies. Also, a majority of our inmates are Black Americans.

    "Why are we still thinking we are not free at last? What ideas are keeping us down?" Rev. Bryant asks.  For too long, we have been depending on other people for our success. We have to pursue our happiness; our happiness is not provided to us. If we are relying on someone else for our wellbeing, that in itself is a form of slavery."

    Rev. Bryant's conclusion? It's time to run. "Run away from economic slavery. Run toward the blessings of liberty. Let us remain strong in this fight. Run away from socialism; run away from progressivism. And if you get tired, America ... RUN HARDER!"

    This painting is a beacon to all Americans, to free yourselves from the government bondage that enslaves your very soul. Be FREE of the old taskmaster that will offer you all the comforts if you will but do his bidding. Rise up and be great in the sight of God! YOU are the RUNAWAY SLAVE!

    ****100% of profits for "Runaway Slave" the painting, go to help CL Bryant Institute for Racial Understanding, U.S.A.


    To learn more about Reverend C. L. Bryant, click here.

    To learn about “Runaway Slave” the movie,




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